Well in case you missed it Keaton had his half birthday 2 weeks ago. We were on vacay in TX- so I didn’t even give the lazy Facebook shout out, but I definitely know my baby boy is getting older. It makes me happy and sad, but since you can’t “turn back time”. I’m embracing all the fun things in the future for my bigger baby boy.

At 6 months

-You love your mama, then you love your dada, the rest of the world is pretty much “ehh” to you.

-You love your food. You are JUST LIKE DADDY, a fat boy in a skinny man’s body. You will literally pinch me or pull food out of my hand if I’m not giving it to you and you want. (Yes, at 6 months- Daddy has witnessed).

– All day long you talk, babble, blow spit bubbles and say mama and dada.

-You completely mastered rolling back and forth whatever way you please, but you still don’t love being on your tummy. I see it in your eyes, you want to go straight to walking, but mama’s not letting that happen if she can help it.

-You are officially a wonderful sleeper. I will swear by the Sleep Easy Solution for all parents to at least try. I followed everything it said 100% and even on vacation you practically slept through the night.

– On the downside of this, you are absolutely addicted to your schedule. And you holler loud when you miss it.

– Mom got an exersaucer for $8 bucks at a resale. Best 8 bucks ever spent. Needless to say, you love it.

– Your two little teeth poke through so perfectly when you smile, I want to freeze frame the moments.

– You have become increasingly interested in the cats, grabbing and making faces at them. I love to see you become so aware.

– You understand a few baby signs, and I love to see you respond when I use them, obviously your favorite is “milk”- who’d have guessed.

– You always stop crying or fussing when I sing, “He’s got the whole world in His hands”. I love this.

– You are still allergic to life, or at the very least dairy, wheat, chocolate peanuts and well life…. (praying this is a phase).

I love watching you grow! Slow down little boy, slow down.

K has an Elvis lip sometimes, seen here- I love it!

See the 1st month all over again.