My eyes have been killing me lately. My eyes have been more fatigued than ever these past few years, and especially months. I still have 20/20 vision, but they get blurry at night and bother me sometimes. With every new iPhone that we get, it’s constantly blasting more light at our faces. With all the work I do personally with my business Media Swoon, and micro influencing locally I’m on my phone WAYYYY too much.

what are blue blockers?
If you’re not familiar with what they are, or why you need them. Our eyes are constantly taking in light, UV light from outside, but also light from our devices and electronics. Blue light has the tendency to cause eye fatigue more, and our devices show a lot of it. You can of course use night mode if you have an iPhone, and you definitely should be, but blue light blocking glasses help to block some of the light around us period, so that are eyes can relax more and have less strain. Sadly, one of the biggest health concerns of millennials is going to be eye related, some people are predicting, cataracts, blindness and a host of eye health issues from too much screen time.
I’ve been on and off wearing “blue blockers” for the last few years, but I’m on a new streak to be super committed to wearing them, especially if I’m working. I’ve bought several pairs over the years, but rounded up some of the cutest ones I could find. Some I’ve bought and loyally wear, and other ones I’m totally crushing on and need to have! Check them out, and tell me in the comments if you wear blue blockers or if you’re planning to start.
best blue blocker options
Just click any item to shop.

If you’ve been considering snagging a pair, please do! This is great stocking stuffer for your friends and family too. Your eyes will thank you.