Over the last few weeks, people have continued to ask me for ideas for different people and I have compilated a few more gift guides, that I thought I’d finally share here.
I am going to share my two kids Gift Guides — Boys and Girls ages 6 to 10. I, 100% believe kids can like any toy they please, but also know that toys can fall into SOME gender specific categories, so take that with a grain of salt. I chose a mix of things we own, and things my kids asked for. Even on the girl guide, I shared several things we own and love!

for the boys
Anki Overdrive: This is a beloved toy at our home. We got it about 5 years ago, but it’s still a fav. There are some Smart Hot Wheels and now Switch integrated Mario versions that are similar. But this one is a crowd pleaser.
MagFormers: My oldest is a builder. He loves to build, and will still play with Lincoln Logs, these got an upgrade, and use magnets
Garmin Step Counter : with Marvel or Star Wars theme
Trapped in a Video Game Book Series
Yoda Alexa Mount : Make sure you have the right sized Alexa, we do from last year!
Star Wars Mandalorian Razor Crest : this is sadly sold out, and GOT LOST FROM AMAZON, for our oldest child, and now no longer available. But if you have a Star Wars fan Darth’s Castle, and the AT-AT are good choices. Also lego knows what’s up, because if your kids only really care about the figurines, then you can buy Baby Yoda for $22 :O
Switch Lite : We have the Switch and Switch Lite’s, and they definitely serve different functions, but the Lite is a great personal device.
Exploding Kittens: Our most played game of 2020
Build Your Own Computer – Linked a similar

for the girls
MagnaTiles: These are a house favorite, and forced creative play is a necessity for all people. These are great for that.
Beasts of Balance: This is a super fun interactive smart game. Perfect if you have iPads and can be played on the TV with an Apple TV. It’s like Jenga but with more facets. We love this one.
Garmin Step Counter: Disney Princess
Miko: Robots are the rage and Miko is a super fun one to have.
Hatchimals and Small Sized: I have never interacted with these, but the boys wanted to get them for their girl cousins, so I assume they know what’s up. 😛
Switch Lite: Girls are gamers too now, and I love it!
JoJo Dolls: Bye bye Barbie. Hello JoJo. Apparently this is a thing, my mom’s granddaughter asked for it, so it’s on the list!
Veterinarian Play Set : This is one of our kids favorite things to play at our local Animal Museum!

for tween and early teen girls
A follower asked me for ideas specific to this age demographic, and I was happy to whip something up. These are gifts I know some of my friends kids are asking for, or that 13 year old stacia, herself would have loved!
Light and Photo Organizer for Wall Decor
The new Instax Polaroid Camera
Karaoke Machine : Teen Girl Parties will be a blast!
Fawn Ear Warmers -Cutest little stocking stuffer

for teachers and coaches
This gift guide was also requested for a follower. Here are some of my favorite ideas for teachers and coaches
GIFT CARDS: You can’t EVER go wrong with a gift card. Starbucks, Dunkin, Amazon, Target, Pedicure, Mani or More
Fun Mugs: I’m sure this is over given gift for teachers, but if you find a cute one, and put a gift card and candy in it, it can double serve it’s purpose.
Fancy Globe: Can’t ever have too many globes as decoration
Power Charger: for on the go
Brookside or Other Yummy Candy
Personalized Stationery: It’s probably late to execute this one, but this is one of my fav teacher gift ideas
Personalized Teacher Tee : Make sure to check if sizing is unisex or not.
BOOKS!!! Teachers ALWAYS LOVE NEW BOOKS, Teacher Book, Book Series, Read Aloud Books
Mr. Sketch Markers, Gel Pens and More
Photo and String Light: This would also be cute in a classroom — especially if you had photos to print and contribute.
Laneige Lip Mask: Pampering a Teacher is nice too