Super Easy Christmas Tree Brownies
Everyone loves an easy go to holiday treat idea. Something you can pull out at a moment’s notice for a school party, or last minute get together. These Christmas tree brownies are going to become your new go to holiday treat.
Why you might ask? One, because they are so easy to make it’s ridiculous. Two, because they are just really cute. And three, who doesn’t love brownies? These Christmas tree brownies would be a fun activity to make during the holiday season because they are super festive without being overly complicated.

Christmas Tree Brownie Directions
Make brownies according to package direction. Make sure to cook them through, so they aren’t too doughy and can be fully cut into a shape. Let me cool for at least 20-30 minutes.
Once the brownies are cooled, cut them into lined sections (like you normally would for squares), but instead cut triangles, see the photo below. There is a tiny bit of brownie waste, because triangles don’t use all the edge, and you can just go ahead and enjoy in the moment.
Once you’ve cut out all your triangles, then you will frost and decorate according to your preference. These would be really cute to top with a star sprinkle if you have one. You can see I used a premade green frosting, but you can make your own.
What You’ll Need:
Boxed brownie mix and ingredients
13×9 pan for baking, I’m using my Caraway pans, click here for a coupon code
Non-stick cooking spray
Icing (premade or homemade)
Christmas Sprinkles

I really loved the simplicity of the green squiggle for the frosting, but obviously there’s a ton of room to be creative with how you decorate them. After the fact, I realized I would have loved to have had big star sprinkles for the top, so if you’re planning ahead and maybe you can grab some, like this.
If you really love holiday baking, check out some of my other posts on my recipes tab, or consider this classic holiday dessert, tiramisu.