So my good friend Meghan McIntyre is having a fabulous wedding in Chicago in October. But because she is like me (transplanted here from another coast for her man during the wedding plans), you are torn between everything that is back “home” and where you currently live for all your wedding festivities and sometimes miss out on the fun stuff in between, like a good ole lingerie shower.

So, OF COURSE because I love her so much I opted to throw one for her and let me just say, we had a grand time!!! I unfortunately was busy hosting and whatnot and did not really get to take any photos, but I am gonna go ahead and post what I got… Maybe I will get more photos from other girls later and add to the fun!!! It might be good I don’t have too many photos, some of them might be incriminating of the caliber of games we played. 🙂

This first photo are bra and panty sugar cookies that I cut out by hand, definitely
my crowning achievement of parties thrown!!!!
And yes, there is some lingerie wearing going on in some of those latter photos. I boned myself with that game. 🙂