If I’m feeling zealous and extra prepared
5:30 am Get up and go to yoga. Get ready there.

If I’m feeling lazy and don’t prepare the night before
6:20 Alarm goes off. Press snooze twice.
6:40 Now I get up. Shower and get ready.

7:30 Leave for school. Wishing I had time to stop for coffee, but never having time.
7:45 Arrive at school. Light my pumpkin spice candle. Start making copies

9:05 School starts. Pick up children and have breakfast in the classroom.

9:15 Clean up from breakfast
9:20- 3:35 One big blur called teaching where I’m not always sure what happens. J/K! 🙂

5:30 Finally leave school (sometimes it’s later) after I’ve done who knows what to prepare for the next day.

6:00 Arrive home and sit on the couch. Not moving, watching TV and hopefully reading my Bible (if I’m good). I’m in Judges already, but I’m supposed to be in 1 Kings to finish by January. Woops! Better not skip anymore.

10:00 Get ready for bed. You might be thinking from 6-10 I didn’t move off the couch and you’re right I probably didn’t. 🙂

OK I’m just kidding again, I probably helped Jake make dinner or maybe even hung with friends. However, I cannot imagine coming home to children after being drained all day by the kids at school. Seriously. So, this is why I haven’t blogged because if it’s not some internet thing I can access from my phone. I just don’t get on the computer for pleasure as much, but soon I will find balance or soon I might just have to start drinking coffee.
With Love!