OK, so I know that was a long blogger break, but I hope you can forgive a new mommy! And in my defense I’ve been trying to blog for a while, but blogger wasn’t working for me.
But I’m back, and I have a lot of great posts lined up to share.
Starting with my first one about Little Becks.

It’s so different the second time around. In good ways (you don’t stress, already knew how to nurse and care for a baby, a little crying doesn’t freak me out). In bad ways too, (you don’t appreciate all the little moments cause you’ve had them before, you constantly compare your child to your first), instead of just appreciating them for who THEY are. But we have had a HUGE influx of friends and family stay with us (primarily Jake’s parents) that have allowed me to spend so much quality time with Beckham and just bond and do things like a parent with only one baby would do, because they’ve all been helping in other areas. It’s been a HUGE blessing.

But, I am going to try hard to give Beckham the same attention Keaton got so here goes…
At ONE month
-You love to be held, ALL THE TIME, by mommy and daddy ONLY. And you let us know when we aren’t meeting your hold me quota for the day.
-You are quite the busy body, you really like to be up on our shoulder and able to see around.
-You don’t scowl like your newborn brother did, in fact you rarely frown.
– You are a really great easy nurser, a fairly good sleeper and aside from the “hold me constantly” thing, a really good baby!!! We think we want to keep you. 😉
– You are a bit of a cuddler, which I always wanted with Keaton, but now don’t quite always have time to enjoy with you, but I’m trying!
– Your brother loves you so much, and I love to think about how this will effect your personality, but you deal with Keaton’s constant “affection”, laying on you, smothering you with hugs and hitting you fairly well!
– You are really big. You were 11 lbs at 5 weeks and 23+ inches long (that’s in the 95th percentile people).
– You have Keaton’s nose and mouth, but your eyes are quite different, I think you look a lot more like daddy. ( I even did a little side by side for all of you to see).

My boys! The fact that Beckham is chunkier than K at this age, worries me, cause anyone that know K know that he can EAT! He doesn’t miss a meal. I apparently should be saving for groceries instead of college. 🙂

 Chubby little cheeks already!

 Mom took this one to show how long I am… Long and strong!

P.S. Can I just say how creepy newborns photograph unless they are sleeping.  Regardless, there’s my boy and he’s pretty cute in real life!