Hi I’m Stacia and I’m addicted to throw pillows. No, but for real, I’m having a garage sale next week. I literally have 10 throw pillows to sell. Why? Because changing them out is inexpensive and can completely give new life to a room.
I have slowly been renovating my home, room by room over the last year. One room I just hadn’t touched was the sunroom. When I moved in, it got a fresh coat of paint and nothing more. See exhibit A below.

It’s cute, but it needs love. The throw pillows the room is sporting there are like 7 years old, and while they have been loved well. They are stained and can’t easily be washed. But I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I let it sit. Finally, I got the inspiration (maybe the energy?) to paint the rest of the trim white. This was the only room I had not completed. And voila…
White Trim and More
I painted the window and door trim, which definitely gave it an upgrade. I decided to move the couch to the other wall, to open the room up. Then I actually moved out the Turkish rug. I genuinely love that rug. Seeing it side by side, I’m kind of sad it’s gone (it’s in my bedroom now). The reason is because I had decided I wanted to incorporate some black decor touches, and that rug just wasn’t going to work. Additionally, I want to do a gallery wall, and have a piano on the blank wall seen below, and wanted to incorporate some black in the art. So, once it got to this point a few months ago, it sat again.

I was waiting for inspiration, and then one day at Target, it finally hit.
Target has the best throw pillows
You can challenge me, but I’ll never stop believing in Target. 😛 I saw a geometric pillow that had a pop of color I just loved. But there was no black, so I decided to grab a black one too. I had been considering this piece of art that says, “Darling, I love you“, but I wasn’t in love with it, and wasn’t sure if the shape was right. So, instead I took the art out my dining room, and moved it over, and look how it’s coming together? So, pretty, right?

I’m telling you, the power of throw pillows. Woohoo. I know they are a little bit loud, but I think once my wall comes together, they will really make sense. Or at least I’m hoping so.

So stay tuned for the gallery wall and piano too. To shop the Project 62 chairs seen in the last photo, you can find them here. Are you a pop of color person for throw pillows? Or neutrals all the way? Tell me in the comments below.