Harry Potter fans unite
This was literally the most fun birthday to throw ever!!! We kicked off Keaton’s 7th birthday, by watching the entire Harry Potter series for the few week’s beforehand. Culminating in the final movie just days before his party. Keaton was immersed in all things Potter, and made sure to tell me which details we needed to have.
We, of course needed all the most fun elements of the movies to throw a party. So, we decided that we needed chocolate frogs, and butter beer, (spiked for the grownups). 🙂 Everyone needed to get sorted into their proper Hogwarts Houses and of course, the “wand had to pick the wizard”. So, we played fun games for sorting out the kids and wand picking. We also played the Harry Potter jelly bean game Bean-boozled.
The real hit of the party, was a stop in Potions class, where we had a “potions lesson”. Where all the kids got to make super cool dry-ice soap balls and be mesmerized by dry ice smoke. This is a must try if you decide to host a Harry Potter themed party too.

We had a beautiful sunset and of course had to fight against a wild dragon piñata that couldn’t be tamed and stole all the candy.

The kids found Maruder’s Map (DIY attached below) and these kids were definitely up to no good.
But we all had cake, so the Mischief was managed, and it was a perfect party indeed! Drop a comment below if you’re wondering about anything specific and I’d love to share.
Where to Buy Everything for Your Own Harry Potter Party!!!
Maruder’s Map or the Instructions to DIY
Love to Throw Parties Too?
Check out some of the other parties I’ve thrown. You can find awesome tutorials, baking ideas and more, for a Pokemon Party, Minecraft Party, or Stars Wars by clicking the links above.