I have my own dream : a tribute to MLK

I have my own dream : a tribute to MLK

*Sharing one of my favorite posts from 2017* You learn a lot about what you believe about the world when you have kids.  The reason is simple, you actually have to state your beliefs and pass them on, because your kids will ask. Then you hear them echoed back to...
They Grow Up Too Fast

They Grow Up Too Fast

 That day when you look over at your kids and go “woah, how did that happen?” That was this day. It might have been the way they were sitting, or that they were sharing an app on my iPhone… but literally Beckham looked almost as big as Keaton...
My oldest turned 3

My oldest turned 3

I can’t believe that my oldest turned 3. I wrote about Keaton’s 3rd party, but since I don’t do monthly blogs past 1 year, I really want to keep in the habit of talking about them at their birthday. Having a child changes you. Having a second child...
Beckham Turns 1

Beckham Turns 1

Beckham has changed so much since he turned 1. He’s come into his own. His “allergies” have started to tone down, and he’s gotten so crazy since he learned to walk.  He is shockingly my dare devil. But he is also literally such a sweet heart....
My Detailed Home birth Story

My Detailed Home birth Story

So, if you travel a few years back you can see my first birth story with Keaton. I wrote it on his first birthday, because I was honestly too upset and raw to write it immediately after. With Beckham, I had plenty of time to write his story this past year, but if...
Beckham at 11 months

Beckham at 11 months

Beckham at 11 months is so good! He is a happy little fellow. He wasn’t the easiest baby per se, but since about 7 months, when he finally started  sleeping 12 hours through the night. Everything about his demeanor changed. He is genuinely happy ALL THE TIME. He...