Motherhood: The Hardest & Most Beautiful Journey
I shared some thoughts about motherhood on Instagram, but it seemed like they deserved a place on my blog. So here they are. I have a thought about motherhood, that I've been wanting to share. The thought is undeveloped, but it’s an echo of one I’ve shared many times...

Mother’s Day Cookie Activity
Mother's Day is almost here. Now, that I'm a mom, and maybe even a semi veteran mom. 🤔 Hmm, I wonder if having an 8 and 10 year old, make me an experienced mom. Well, anyway, point being, now that I've been a mom for a while, I can tell you that Mother's Day has...

Throw Pillows Are Life
Hi I'm Stacia and I'm addicted to throw pillows. No, but for real, I'm having a garage sale next week. I literally have 10 throw pillows to sell. Why? Because changing them out is inexpensive and can completely give new life to a room. I have slowly been renovating my...
Where I Shop
Blog Posts

Hot Springs Virginia Travel Guide
I've been calling Virginia home for the last 6 years, and I just keep finding more and more places that I love. I have shared about my love for Williamsburg, and DC, but now I can also say I love Hot Springs, Virginia. Hot Springs Virginia Travel Guide Hot Springs is...

Easy Tiramisu Recipe
Tiramisu gets a bad rap I recently made tiramisu. And I’m shocked to tell you, but it was way easier than I anticipated. Italian desserts get a bad rap for being complicated because a lot of them have to chill for several hours, however the steps are actually fairly...

Easy Easter Cake Idea
Have you ever seen the meme. I used to think I was a Pinterest mom, but I've realized I'm more of an Amazon Prime mom? I definitely feel like almost every mom (or human) has felt this way at times. We want to do it all, but we just can't. Sometimes all you need is a...