A few more gift ideas for kids and the people you love
Over the last few weeks, people have continued to ask me for ideas for different people and I have compilated a few more gift guides, that I thought I’d finally share here. I am going to share my two kids Gift Guides -- Boys and Girls ages 6 to 10. I, 100% believe...

Holiday gift ideas for the guys in your life
Men generally fall into one of two categories. Category one, they buy nothing for themselves, wear clothes from a decade ago, and barely realize when new thing just show up in their closet. Category two, buy everything they could ever want for themselves, lack for...

All the Best Black Friday Sales
I am the queen of clearance and sales. I mostly attribute my passion for sales to my mom, who NO LIES would wake me up to get to department stores the moment their doors opened on the day they finally released 66% or 75% off their clearance. It's fun to get things on...
Where I Shop
Blog Posts

Gift Ideas for Her
I don't know about you guys, but I truly do NOT splurge on myself all that often. Yes, I have a few high end beauty products that I love to buy quarterly. Yes, I keep my hair colored regularly. But I don't get manicures, I hardly get pedicures. I don't get massages. I...

Holiday Decor Round Up
Here’s a round up of my favorite Christmas and holiday decorations from my favorite retailers to buy holiday decor from; Amazon, Target and Michaels.

Holiday Doormat Round up
I love that door mats have become become so trendy in the last decade. Upon seeing someone's home or residence, the next thing you see up close, is of course their front door, porch/entryway and their door mat. Before some one even opens the door, you have the...