Beckham’s First PowWow

Beckham’s First PowWow

 It all started when Nani and Papa blessed our little guys with a teepee as their shared birthday gift. How could I not base a party around this magnificent thing for my little Beckham? I will say, it fits slightly more comfortably in the wild, than my house, but...

My Detailed Home birth Story

My Detailed Home birth Story

So, if you travel a few years back you can see my first birth story with Keaton. I wrote it on his first birthday, because I was honestly too upset and raw to write it immediately after. With Beckham, I had plenty of time to write his story this past year, but if I'm...

Beckham at 11 months

Beckham at 11 months

Beckham at 11 months is so good! He is a happy little fellow. He wasn't the easiest baby per se, but since about 7 months, when he finally started  sleeping 12 hours through the night. Everything about his demeanor changed. He is genuinely happy ALL THE TIME. He is so...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

Beckham’s 9th and 10th months
Beckham’s 9th and 10th months

Right now this app Time Hop is really popular. It shows you photos from exactly one year ago, so you can enjoy your own little Time Hop. Well, Beckham turned 11 months 5 days ago, so we took photos and as we did. I realized I hadn't posted his 9 month photos or 10...

Keaton at 2 1/2
Keaton at 2 1/2

Keaton at 2 1/2  is a passion ball. He is passionate about everything he does loving, cuddling, negotiating, hitting, playing, questioning, bullying, temper tatruming (I just made that a word).He has a strong personality, a natural leader, a charismatic and...

Embrace the Camera
Embrace the Camera

OK, so truth out I hate posting pictures of myself. So quick to be critical of my appearance. My hairs too blonde, my bangs are in my face, I'm windblown, I'm squinting weird...But one of the blogs I've read for a long time. The Anderson Crew has a thing she does...