Summer Lovin’

Summer Lovin’

Man alive, do I love me some summer. I really do appreciate fall, and Christmas and the traditions, and the hot cocoa…. but none of it compares to summer. I don’t know if it’s because I grew up in TX and it’s summer half the year there or what,...
American Baby

American Baby

Learning the art of bbq early! I should have started an Instagram account called Keaton loves food. Because I’ve never met a baby or toddler more excited about eating than this little guy. And he will eat just about anything. I’m so happy to be his mom....
Guess Who’s 7 months?

Guess Who’s 7 months?

Keaton is…..I know Keaton is actually well beyond 7 months now, but I made a post and somehow on accident it didn’t save (even though google has autosave), and I was so sad that I didn’t replace it for a bit. Those thoughts and words can never be...
First Mama’s Day

First Mama’s Day

Yesterday was my first mother’s day and a time to reflect on how much I love being a mom and how much more I probably could have done for my own mother growing up (especially on Mother’s Day). Right now Keaton is just the perfect age, (not that other...