Pink Halloween Decor
If you saw my blog post, from last week, you know I said I didn't grow up celebrating Halloween. For the last several years though my boys and I have been starting to celebrate Halloween and "Spooky Season" a little more. We definitely don't love gore, so maybe it's...

First Watch Lemon Ricotta Pancakes Copycat Recipe
I discovered First Watch a few years ago and it is by far my most favorite regular brunch/breakfast place to frequent. The food is always good and reliably so. Which isn't easy to come by for a lot of restaurants. The have at least a semi focus on healthier and more...

Spooky Season Ideas
Its mid August and spooky season is everywhere in the stores. It's making me long for cooler weather, fall decor and Halloween goodies. Growing up I did not celebrate Halloween at all. I know that's crazy if you're from a Halloween family, but it's true. After...
Where I Shop
Blog Posts

Easy Balloon Decoration At Home
I absolutely love decorating for birthdays. I love celebrating birthdays at home, because to me birthdays are personal, and I love making those memories in my home. You can check out some other parties I've thrown right here. When throwing a birthday party; I want to...

Easy Patriotic Food Ideas
I have always been a lover of year around holiday baking and food prep. In my heart, I am the hospitality queen. In reality, I'm a borderline introvert. 😬 But I wish I was hosting giant parties for every single holiday. That's who I want to be. I mean peep these flag...

Tween Boys Room
If you're a long time follower then you may know I bought a house last year. And that I turned our upstairs into a "creative space" for my two boys. They are a little old for a play room, and I wanted the room to grow with them. I blogged about it all in detail. I...