Nursing a Baby: A quandary

Nursing a Baby: A quandary

Ok, so this post will hopefully be cathartic for me, because I'm definitely still working through all this, so here goes. Last Friday, I quit nursing my baby. A baby I fully intended to nurse til 12 months or longer. A baby that was exclusively breast fed until like 2...

Beckham at 5 months.

Beckham at 5 months.

Beckham at 5 months mommy likes to call you Stinkbutt.It's true what can I say? Because you have been a little stinker lately. But a lot has happened for you in the last few weeks.-Namely, you got your bottom 2 teeth, hence the "stinker problems" (right after you...

Beckham at 4 months.

Beckham at 4 months.

My little Becks is actually 5 months next week, but I took these photos earlier in the month and I didn't want December to pass without documenting what a big boy he is becoming.-This month we have sleep trained you and despite you having a ravenous nighttime appetite...

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Blog Posts

Beckham at 3 months
Beckham at 3 months

Ok, so that whole you'll get the shaft cause you're the second kid thing. There is some truth to it. 🙁 Not because we don't love you, because we absolutely do! But it's true for a few reasons. 1. We're busy, mostly chasing your brother around, so we don't have time...

Keaton says the darndest things
Keaton says the darndest things

This kid is so cool. The other day I walk into the play room, and he had put his beanie on, and pulled the blanket over him. He says, "I have my hat on". And he was just chillin' there. Really? Love it, so I had to take a photo!So, this particular post is completely...

Beckham at 2 months
Beckham at 2 months

So, my little guy, I really did want to say some things about your second month, but seeing how it's almost over, and I can't even remember what you were doing 4 weeks ago AND these photos are several weeks old. I am just going to post these photos and show how cute...