My “baby” is 2

My “baby” is 2

So something traumatic happened 3 weeks ago. So, traumatic I couldn't even blog about it.My baby. My "first" baby turned two. And honestly, even in these last 3 weeks, he's becoming less and less of a baby all the time. And I'm so happy to know him and see who he will...

Happy and Soothing Nursery Design

Happy and Soothing Nursery Design

A few posts back. I posted about Keaton's big boy room. When Beckham was born he moved into Keaton's old nursery. However, Keaton took a lot of the things we made just for him with him to his new room. So, Beckham got a few things to make the nursery extra special...

Curious George Themed Birthday Party

Curious George Themed Birthday Party

I love parties and we just had a great one!We had Keaton's second birthday, which he LOVED! And it was a lot of fun. I know they say don't plan big parties for 2 year olds cause they get overwhelmed and don't remember them. But the joy on his little face was...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

Beckham at 1 month
Beckham at 1 month

OK, so I know that was a long blogger break, but I hope you can forgive a new mommy! And in my defense I've been trying to blog for a while, but blogger wasn't working for me.But I'm back, and I have a lot of great posts lined up to share.Starting with my first one...

Our Beckham Boy
Our Beckham Boy

I have many posts I hope to go back and fill in. Especially since I am on some wonderful maternity leave! But I don't want to delay in sharing my beautiful boy.We almost had a professional take some pics, and I know they would do better, but there is something really...

Maternity Pictures
Maternity Pictures

So on a whim I took some maternity photos last week. Literally I got home at 7 pm, and told my husband, "hurry change your shirt, I want to take maternity pictures before the sun goes down." And he went with it! I have a good husband. What can I say? So, on that whim...