What to Eat When You’re Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Egg Free

What to Eat When You’re Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Egg Free

So, as most of you know my son Keaton has crazy food allergies and since I'm the "milk lady"-- I have had to give up tons of different types of food make sure he doesn't break out in crazy hives. Cause it's not pretty. So, what do we eat around here when you can't eat...

Photo Shoot Idea With a Baby

Photo Shoot Idea With a Baby

So, as of late I have being feeling kind of bad, at how little "quality" photos of Keaton I've taken (besides his monthly)- especially since we bought such a nice camera last year, for this purpose. So, since my little guy is just as handsome as can be right now and...

At 6 months

At 6 months

Well in case you missed it Keaton had his half birthday 2 weeks ago. We were on vacay in TX- so I didn't even give the lazy Facebook shout out, but I definitely know my baby boy is getting older. It makes me happy and sad, but since you can't "turn back time". I'm...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night
How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

How do you make your little one sleep like a baby? It's so easy in the beginning, but then that self awareness increases and their eyesight gets better, and the teething starts, and suddenly they are totally sleep regressing. So, how do you get your baby to sleep...

At 5 months
At 5 months

- Your first little tooth broke through (I think the day you turned 5 months actually) đŸ™‚ And then your 2nd one a week later -You started sleeping terrible, most likely due to the previous item. But then mommy followed the Sleep Easy Solution and things are better...

Ship’s Ahoy- She’s Having a Boy!
Ship’s Ahoy- She’s Having a Boy!

Remember my party planning post a few weeks back? Well, it was in reference to this awesome baby shower. Below is a fun collection of all the things and details we put together to make little Peyton's shower extra special. Everything was pretty much made from scratch...