At 3 months

At 3 months

You are just too cute for words.You laughYou smileYou melt my little heart.You are becoming quite the chubber in the facial area, neck rolls and all, but those legs are still toothpicks.You are more relaxed and happy than ever.You might love your daddy, more than you...

Baby’s First Christmas

Baby’s First Christmas

Merry Christmas from Keaton and all his toys! Since he won't remember this year at all, it will be really great when we rewrap all of them next year and take the same photo. Peace, Love and Christmas!

At 2 months

At 2 months

Keaton at 2 months you have changed so much.You don't make as many faces as you used to, but you smile all the time, so that makes up for it. Getting a picture of your smile is slightly more difficult. :)You have gotten so big, you finally started getting a few rolls...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

At 1 month
At 1 month

Keaton this month you are funny- They say newborns don't always have a lot of personality, but I think you for sure do. Here are some of the reasons why: -You will only take your pacifier if you can hold it in by sucking or with your own hand, if I put my finger in...

Picture Recap
Picture Recap

It seems I don't have quite enough time for long prosing blog posts. So, here are some pictures from our trip to TX... Enjoy.

41 Weeks Pregnant -PostDates
41 Weeks Pregnant -PostDates

Just to finish this thing off properly... Here were those last 2 dreaded weeks- 40 and 41. On week 41, I just look ginormous. I thought maybe I was going into labor that day because my Braxton Hicks contractions were 6 minutes apart for hours and hours, but that...