Feature Friday

Feature Friday

Today, I am featuring a nursery piece. I knew all along I wanted a short chest of drawers dresser to act as my changing table and also just a statement piece in the room. I had an idea in my mind of the style and knew I was unlikely to find it in a store. So, we of...

32 weeks = 8 months!

32 weeks = 8 months!

Ok, so maybe I am 33 weeks pregnant now, but I have just not been able to find the time to blog (bad Stacia). However, when I do find time blog, it will be loaded with good stuff, since I've been so busy. Things feel like they are finally coming together as we prepare...

Camping- Pregnancy Edition

Camping- Pregnancy Edition

Jake and I have wanted to go camping as long as we've been in Jersey, but you really have to go between like May and September for the weather to be appropriate. Obviously last year we were barely getting settled in and this year I'm pregnant. However, I told Jake,...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

28 weeks
28 weeks

I forgot to hold up my cute lil' 28 weeks sign, so I might have to take another to keep my flow going. However, I did take a few photos Wednesday night that show my 7 month pregnant belly. It's funny cause most days I get "you're so tiny" still, but after someone says...

Rootbeer cupcakes
Rootbeer cupcakes

A few months back, I saw a post on another blog for rootbeer float cupcakes. The idea got in my mind and settled there and would not leave. When I finally decided I had to have them (hmm...pregnancy craving?) I could not find root beer extract/concentrate anywhere....

Feature Friday
Feature Friday

As soon as Jake and I moved in we knew we wanted to change the backyard to include a concrete slab. We both love to be outside in the summer, sit on the patio and of course grill, and it's just really hard to do all that in grass. So, after much debate as to whether...