Beckham at 1 month

Beckham at 1 month

OK, so I know that was a long blogger break, but I hope you can forgive a new mommy! And in my defense I've been trying to blog for a while, but blogger wasn't working for me.But I'm back, and I have a lot of great posts lined up to share.Starting with my first one...

Our Beckham Boy

Our Beckham Boy

I have many posts I hope to go back and fill in. Especially since I am on some wonderful maternity leave! But I don't want to delay in sharing my beautiful boy.We almost had a professional take some pics, and I know they would do better, but there is something really...

Maternity Pictures

Maternity Pictures

So on a whim I took some maternity photos last week. Literally I got home at 7 pm, and told my husband, "hurry change your shirt, I want to take maternity pictures before the sun goes down." And he went with it! I have a good husband. What can I say? So, on that whim...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

Big Boy Room
Big Boy Room

So if you're still visiting... I know I'm like the worst blogger ever. Maybe one day I will be good again. But I'm not quitting cause I love documenting our life, and even though I've really slowed down on my efficiency, I still want to be able to keep a record of our...


My little bundle of joy , I mean energy. I mean both of course! :)You are so fun. I know people often say 18 months to 2 years is the best time in the little years, and I tend to have to agree.So much so, that I don't really want to go back to the newborn stage.I mean...

Semi DIY Mantle
Semi DIY Mantle

So, our previous home owners, must have had a plan for a mantle they started, but they never got around to finishing it. When we moved in, the baseboards were cut open several inches on each side, and the tile they had put up, was unfinished around the edges. Since we...