Yes, that’s me turning 26 in twenty ten. And on this 26th birthday I decided to have my first go at a dessert table. I have followed Amy Atlas for a long time and watched her put together many fabulous dessert tables. I finally decided there was no time like the present to do my own. And I had so much fun. I wish I was more of photographer to get up close shots and show you the process along the way, but I’m not… So, here’s what I have. My own little version, it was lots of fun!

We had a full house, it was good to host again, now that we have a couch for people to sit on.

Blowing out those candles. Another year has come and gone.

P.S. I made all those treats myself, and you can see my crete paper streamers as well. I used this tutorial. It’s nothing fancy, it just makes your streamers a little more pronounced and secure. 26, here I go.