My house is starting to become a home! And I love it. If you scroll many years back on my blog, you can see that I’ve always LOVED creating spaces that are cozy, colorful and inspiring, and I’m so happy to be doing it again! Here is my home progress, two months later.
What I’ve done so far…
Painted the House (to Edgecomb Gray by SW) ✅
Painted ALL the brown trim to white ✅
Changed out all the outlets ✅
Changed out most of the light fixtures ✅
Got a new roof -woohoo for being a grown up ✅
Those are the main things I’ve done so far, besides just decorating, hanging curtains, taking off closet doors, getting a washer and dryer, cleaning up, and just basic tasks of moving into a new place and making it your own. In this process I’ve realized how capable I am, and its just really cool to do what everyone else is believing that you don’t have it in you to do.
Two Month Update – Video Walk Through
If you’re a video person, you can click the link below to watch the video. If you’re a words person then keep scrolling to see photos below!
my studio

This is my studio space. I have moved furniture in and out of this room, more times than you can count. Hopefully, I will buy a velvet couch soon, but I’m sure what I’ll end up with. And I’d really like to get a piano or an electric piano for this space. Any other velvet couch lovers? I just can’t get the idea out of my head. The only thing safe in this room, are the rug and the desk. As indicated in the video, I was actually having a birthday party for my youngest, and moved the couch from the TV room into here, so I could have an empty space for the party. But now that I’ve made this space so cozy, I feel like I need a couch pronto.
my bedroom

You can check out the blog post I recently wrote about this space here, for all the details.
my boys room

Soon, I need to take updated photos of my boys room. There haven’t been crazy changes, but I added in light filtering blackout shades from Ikea, and a few more updated accessories that just bring the room together. You can sneak a peak in the video above if you want to see, or check out the blog post where I share more about this space.
the bathroom

The bathroom only got minor upgrade, haven’t really shared a ton about this space, because while swapping out the paint, fixtures, light fixture and mirror gave this room new life, it’s still really dated. It needs to be full renovated, but the budget doesn’t allow for that quite yet. But I love how the rattan toilet paper basket, and mirror give this bathroom a layered and textured feel. The vanity could use some love, but I also don’t want to lose the storage. So for now, I’m just sticking with it. Perhaps paint could help. What would you do?
You can check out the grey and white striped shower curtain, mirror, and bathroom art at the attached links.
dining room

I just finally finished the trim throughout, and oh my goodness what a difference it makes. I didn’t even realize it, until I saw the photos side by side. I still have the rug on the left, but I didn’t feel like it was the right rug for the space, so I’m on the hunt. I was considering a ruggable rug, so if you have one, leave me a comment below telling me your thoughts. The art and table are old, and the chairs are from Amazon!
There are a few other spaces, I didn’t feature, but that’s because they need more love, so check back soon, to see what I do.
Thanks for following along, and if you shop one of my affiliate links above, just know it means the world to me!
At some point I will do a side by side post of how each room has been updated since the beginning. Or you can always go back and take a sneak peek of the first post I shared about me buying a house.