Guys, I could almost crying typing it out, but Keaton turned 13.
Yes my first baby, who was just a toddler two seconds ago, is a teenager. I don’t think it’s fully hit me, the realization that I’m a mother of a teenager. That I’m old enough to have a teenager. And the deep realization that my parents likely had no clue what they were doing (when I was a teen), because if I know anything now. It’s that we are all “learning” our way through life, no matter our age.
Having said all that, turning 13 meant that we threw a birthday party. And not just any birthday, a “Let’s Glow Crazy” – Glow Light party that was co-ed. It was a ton of fun and really exciting to see what nice and respectful friends Keaton has to top it off.

Let’s Glow Crazy
When I first started chatting about a birthday party idea with Keaton, we started chatting about theme ideas. We, of course started with the number 13. Asking ourselves was there a funny pun theme about being 13, and we were kind of coming up blank. Especially for concepts for a boy. 13 going on 30, doesn’t exactly hit the mark with 13 year old boys.
So, then I was like, let’s look at Party City’s website and just see what themes they have. We toyed with some classic favs, like Harry Potter, which I’ve done before. But he was like, I don’t want my friends to think it’s baby-ish and that’s totally valid, especially since everyone may not be familiar with the movies, etc.
When we saw the Let’s Glow Crazy theme, he instantly was like, this would be really cool. This blog post isn’t sponsored by Party City, but after deciding on the theme, we actually got the opportunity to partner with them on Instagram, which was very cool.
I love the Let’s Glow crazy Theme because it does feel more catered to tweens and teens, without being baby-ish. It’s gender neutral, and kind of just exudes fun. The products at Party City are “black light reactive” which means for the party to really have maximum impact, you do need black lights. I purchased a set off of Amazon. I only had 4 lights, but it was enough to make the room really glow, and the kids loved it.
Ice Cream Sundae Bar
If you know Keaton, you know this kid is such a foodie. Since he was born, he was a foodie and he loves dessert. All he asked for was an iced cream sundae bar where he could have every topic he’s ever dreamed of. I’ll leave out the part, where he ate so much sugar, he was borderline sick.
So, I found a similar font to the party theme, and typed a list of all the toppings and it was of course a huge hit!
We played Minute to Win it style games, had tons of pizza, and they ended the night playing Hide and Seek in the dark, in true teenager style

Links and more
Again, this post is not affiliated, so I’m not making commission, but I genuinely loved the time we had and wanted to share, some of the key products I got from Party City.
Piñata ( I just used it as decor)
I’ve thrown a ton of boy parties over the years, including Minecraft, Pokemon, Taco Party and more. This Let’s Glow Crazy, black light themed party, was our first teen party, but I’m excited for many more.