Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling Overwhelmed

I've talked about this before on my blog. And I'm not discouraged or sad, just overwhelmed. The state and decline of our world, the access we have to information and knowledge is wonderful, but it can also be a wicked killer when you find out the truth. What am I...

My favorite apps for toddlers

My favorite apps for toddlers

Ok, so K is the type of kid that when he loves something everyone knows it. So, if you've been around him since he could talk, you know he's been into buttons, birds and trucks. How do you know this? Because he talks about them ALL day long. But now that he is a...

Keaton Will Be a Big Brother

Keaton Will Be a Big Brother

I know, I know, I've been a little M.I.A. Ok alot M.I.A., I haven't blogged in a month. But for good reason! Keaton has something special to show you all (incase you didn't know already)!I was probably puking in his bedroom trashcan while taking these photos of him. I...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

Allergies, Natural Treatments and Losing my Mind
Allergies, Natural Treatments and Losing my Mind

I know every parent deals with their kids "thing". For some it's kids who won't sleep, or always wake up at 5am, or one who constantly have some sickness, picky eaters, screamers and criers. And while I'm sure there are a few seemingly "perfect" kids out there, most...

Sweetened Passion Tea
Sweetened Passion Tea

Ok, so I really wanted to do create my own tutorial on making a Starbucks copycat Iced Passion Tea, because I've been making it like crazy, but I have been really busy to actually do this. But it's so good, and I want you all to go and make it right now. So, instead...

Cardboard Box Party
Cardboard Box Party

We had K's first birthday party. A super fun cardboard box party. Unfortunately Mister K was not in his happiest moods. You can tell by his first and last pics that despite my best efforts smiles weren't easy to come by. :)Because I was busy holding mister moody...