DIY White Tile Subway Backsplash

DIY White Tile Subway Backsplash

So, as you all know Jake and I bought this house knowing we’d one day have to sell it (Coast Guard life). When we moved in, the house was move in ready, but also builder basic. So, we’ve been upgrading it along the way. We’ve been upgrading it first for ourselves,...

Peas of Mind

Peas of Mind

There are occasional days when you feel like a genius. This was one of those days for me. In our local town we don’t have any of the “cool” grocery stores, Whole Foods, Central Market, Trader Joes. We have Shoprite and I will say how thankful I am for Shoprite and...

At 8 months

At 8 months

This little face, I'm just so in love with it. With it's little teeth, and wide eyes. I know Keaton will be many things as he grows up, but I hope I can remember him like this forever. Especially when he's throwing a "terrible two" tantrum. 🙂 One of our good friends...

Where I Shop


Blog Posts

Organic Mama?

I really didn't want this to turn into a mommy blog.... But it's really hard when you are a mom because that's such a big part of what you do day to day.So, instead of fighting it, I'm just gonna be me.... and sometimes that means a lot of mom posts, tune out if...

Summer Lovin’
Summer Lovin’

Man alive, do I love me some summer. I really do appreciate fall, and Christmas and the traditions, and the hot cocoa.... but none of it compares to summer. I don't know if it's because I grew up in TX and it's summer half the year there or what, but the day it...

American Baby
American Baby

Learning the art of bbq early! I should have started an Instagram account called Keaton loves food. Because I've never met a baby or toddler more excited about eating than this little guy. And he will eat just about anything. I'm so happy to be his mom. Happy Memorial...